We took the High Speed Rail to Southern Taiwan to pick up Zoe at the orphanage. We were there for a couple hours then took it back to Taipei. We are here at the hotel now with her and trying to get her to settle down a little bit and take a nap. We've all been up since 5 AM and are a little wiped out. She has been chattering since we got her and I'm hoping a nap will calm her down a little. Which it has helped so far, even though she isn't asleep yet.
For all of us that were wondering, she appears to be about the same size as Shelby, although I haven't tried any clothes on her as of yet, so we'll see what happens there. As you can guess, we shot a few photos and video today. I'll be loading more this evening as I get a chance.
Here is a live video of her (not) taking a nap for your viewing pleasure! For those of you that are wondering - we are handling the language barrier as best we can. She is very happy to repeat over and over and sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't. We had a Taiwanese Escort today and she helped some, and the hotel staff speak English and are very supportive and helpful - so we continue to teach her and we get what we can.
hey...happy wednesday nite here...Zoe is beautiful!!!...i bet you are so anxious to get her home...i think she can talk faster than i...go figure???...
can't wait to meet her!!!
Doug & Gail, she is so beautiful. And you guys are such great people to open your home & hearts & do this!!! I know that there have been sacrifices along the way but she is all too worth it! Thanks for the awesome blogspot w/ all the info. Very cool; God bless, Tammy & family
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