Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Stuff I forgot from the trip!

Crackers anyone?
Yes, that's right - a Hello Kitty Airplane - and just when you thought you had seen it all!!!
I'm not 100% sure what this sign is supposed to mean....are people with canes supposed to watch out for people in wheelchairs???
this is cranky-pants after 20+ hours of traveling. She really did well. All 3 of us were ready to be home - this was taken during our 2 hour delay in Detroit before the final flight home.


Anonymous said...

Gail they look sooooo cute together! Shelby is adjusting well by now, too, I'm sure. Enjoy your vacation in Florida & hope to see more cool pics. Tammy

Rice's said...

What an AMAZING addition to your already AMAZING family! We are excited to see Zoe learn and interact with her new family. As excited as you are to have her, she is truly blessed to have you. Please keep posting!